Bulbs: Go Formal or Natural In the Garden
Early spring crocuses, delicately scented hyacinths, nodding daffodils and vibrant tulips are favorite flower bulbs for coloring your garden from very early to late spring. But how should you plant them for a great impact and to match the theme of your garden or landscape? CLICK HERE to read more...

When choosing a perennial to fill an empty space in your garden, make sure to get the most bang from your buck by selecting one, or several, long blooming perennials

Spring bulbs faithfully reappear at the most advantageous time – after a long, cold winter. Most spring bulbs are perennial and multiply in number every year. Seemingly carefree, bulbs do require a bit of nurturing to ensure that they perform their very best for years to come.

Subtle blooms in early spring sing the promise of winter’s end. These simple beauties are often overlooked, overpowered by the bold appearance of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and more. This is unfortunate as these perennials have an unpretentious charm that complements early season bulbs and shrubs.